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Dr. Frank Bass December 2, 2006

Posted by jyu in Uncategorized.
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Dr. Bass passed away this morning.  So sad.  I was just presenting my term project to him before Thanksgiving.  He was sitting right next to me on the wheele chair and looked at my powerpoints at his computer.  It’s so hard to believe that he’s gone.
He has been really sick this semester.  When I took the Bass senimar with him, he was still capable of moving through the slides and held the discussions in class.  But this semester, he was on wheele chair and couldn’t hear anything we said anymore.  He will read through his classnotes.  Sometimes he had trouble moving the mouse and had to repeat reading the same notes or sometimes will jump to the following pages.

It really breaks my heart to see him trying so hard to teach.  At his age and with his acheivements in the past, he can just retire and enjoy his life.  He continues teaching no matter how sick he is and until the last moment of his life.  It’s for the love of teaching, nothing else.  He devoted his whole life educating students.  It’s truely an honor to be one of his students.

I will never forget the last presentation I had with Dr. Bass…