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What’s next? June 29, 2007

Posted by jyu in Uncategorized.
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At the crossroad again after qualifying exam.  Either past or not.  Feeling kind of lost with what to pursue next.  All these big questions poping up left and right.  Do I really want to become a professor going down the academic road?  Or should I stay in the industry?  What about marriage and kids? 

Angela is having her first baby on Nov.  Julian is turning 2.  Didi is turning 5.   All these kids are growing up so fast.  Most of friends are married with kids.  I am still desparately single.  Still asking the same question that “am I going to get married and have kids someday?” and still no answer…Time keeps flying by and the window keeps shrinking…What should I do next?

The data is such a mess at work.  Between the vendor and IT, couldn’t even get the whole data loaded completely for the longest time.  After Jason moved to the other role, I am sure I will be forced to deal with all these data issues.  Without the cleaned data, I can’t do any of my job at all.  With all the requests pilling up and no data, it’s going to be a diseaster going down the road.  The job is becoming more demanding than in the past.  How long can I hold this job and still go to school at the same time?  Is it time to look for another job?

Completely forgot about Fall tuition coming up, forgot to budget that in before taking the unpaid leave.  Never run so low in my bank account in my whole life.  Hope the next two paychecks will be enough to cover next semester tuition.  Other than my own tuitions, need to start saving for Funny’s master degree tuitions.  I might have to work for another year to build the finanical backup for both of us to get through our education for the next couple years.  Money comes, money goes.  It’s always short…

Financially, I guess I can never be a full time student like everyone else does.  For the stupid PhD degree, another year of laboring myself to death yet to come…!  Damn…they better pass me…I will be so pissed if I fail after all these years….